Chasing Archaeology
My story with Hobbits .....
I remember 2004 like yesterday when scientists announced the discovery of Hobbits on Flores - I had traveled to that island many times and had a great interest in human archaeology. When I first visited the Hobbit cave in 2006, I wasn't sure what to expect - would there be excavations happening? Strict security at a site of global significance? Souvenier t-shirt or cups being sold by enterprising locals? Of course, there was none of that, I should have known better, Indonesia doesn't sell its assets readily. I arrived on the back of a motorbike from Ruteng and we pulled up literally inside the cave itself. when there were no excavations happening. It was a stunning place, but quiet with no explanations of the globally important stuff happening there. In 2007 I planned another trip and thought 'Blow it, I will email Mike Morwood (the discoverer) and ask if I can help with anything'. I sent my email and didn't get a reply - I never expected one from a famous scientist. I made another trip in 2008 and sent Mike another email, but again no reply. In July 2009 I was going again to Flores so I emailed Mike in March 'I'm coming over with one of my daughters (Rani 9yo), is there anything I can see or help with?'. No reply ..... then in June an email appeared magically in my Inbox one evening: 'We will begin archaeological excavations at caves near Aimere in late June. Will probably work there for a month. Come'. It was signed Mike Morwood. Wow! I not only got an answer, I got an invitation!!! Rani and I headed there with great excitement and arrived in Aimere in early July. I had been there before, it is a quiet town known for the potent arak moonshine distilled from coconuts in backyards. I asked where I could find the Australian archaeologists but I got blank stares for answers. I asked around a bit but nothing, hmm, everyone in Aimere would know if there were foreign scientists in town. We stayed that night with a lovely lady xxx and her daughter who we'd met that day. Next morning I found a wartel phone exchange and rang the University of New England in Australia. 'Oh no, sorry, Mike was recalled to Australia on urgent business, the trip has been postponed'. Damn. Not to worry, in 2011 I was back at Liang Bua again and found one of the excavation holes from that year's dig had been poorly backfilled, was almost 2 metres deep and quite a hazard. I emailed Mike to let him know and we started an exchange of emails. Then lo and behold Mike invited me to participate in teh 2011 Soa Basin dig, assisting with supervising personnel.
of The Hobbits of Flores have an amazing story so I have made this website to share that story and let others learn and experience more.
I have included lots of publications about the Hobbits of Flores if you want to read more about them, as well as lots of photos from my experiences in Flores and at the Hobbit sites.
Flores is an amazing place to visit so I have included tourist information to help you plan your trip and hopefully visit the Hobbit sites and all the incredible volcanoes of Flores!
Feel free to contribute to this site through the Discussion Forum.
Contact me if you have any further queries and follow me on Facebook.
All the best,
Glenn Marshall (in Australia)
The Story...
For a million years, Homo floresiensis lived on the isolated volcanic island of Flores, Indonesia. They were an evolutionary cousin of humans.
They were unknown to the world until bones were unearthed in 2004. They were quickly dubbed 'the Hobbit of Flores'.
These tiny 1-metre tall creatures shared their amazing world with komodo dragons, giant storks, pygmy elephants and giant rats. All were hunters and hunted. The Hobbits died out only 50,000 years ago, making them the last hominid relative to share the world with humans. Read more here.
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Come looking for FOSSILS & HOBBITS...
FOSSIL CITIZEN SCIENCE - join our team and do fossil science from your home Here's how...
HOW TO JOIN A DIG TEAM - read how Glenn's sanitation expertise got him onto a Hobbit dig More...
INDONESIAN FOSSIL TRIPS - join us on an odyssey of Indonesia's fossil sites Plan a trip...
NT FOSSIL EMBLEM - join our campaign for a Northern Territory fossil emblem Join us...
VOTE NOW - do you want the 'Giant Baru Crocodile' or the 'Demon Duck of Doom' Vote now...
ALCOOTA MEGAFAUNA SITE- help at the excavation site in central Australia Read more...
- clean fossils at the Central Aust Megafauna Museum Here's how...
Photo: Hobbit excavations in Liang Bua cave, Flores Indonesia 2012